
PNU-NanoLab provides access to analytical facilities for materials synthesis and characterization, supporting research in the field of material science and applied nanotechnology.



In addition to scientific activity and cooperation with university researchers, PNU provides services to industrial customers in testing the properties of materials. Our regular customer is Ukrnafta – the largest oil production company in Ukraine for which rocks from oil wells are analyzed to determine the optimal methods of increasing the oil debit.

For scientists

PNU-NanoLab provides access to scientific equipment for researchers in the field of materials science as part of collaborative efforts at various levels.

To request access, please fill out the form.

The PNU-NanoLab team will review the application and approve the work plan.

The work on scientists’ applications is provided free of charge. A mandatory condition for executing the work is proper acknowledgment of PNU-NanoLab when utilizing the obtained data.

A potential condition is that the data obtained, with the consent of the requesting scientist and while preserving their intellectual property rights, will be stored in the PNU-NanoLab repository, assigned a DOI, and made freely accessible to the scientific community.

There is also the opportunity for collaboration between the requesting scientist and members of the PNU-NanoLab team, resulting in a scientific publication where the team will contribute through data analysis and interpretation.


For enterprises and businesses

PNU-NanoLab offers services for determining the elemental and phase composition of material samples, providing a report that includes both the research results and their interpretation based on the technical task set by the customer. For commercial clients, we can address the following questions: ‘What is this?’, ‘How and from what was this object (part, structural element) made?’, and ‘What alternative materials could be used to create the same part (structural element)?’

To request access, please fill out the form.

Main equipment or services

  • X-ray diffractometer Shimadzu XRD-7000;
  • Mossbauer spectrometer MS1104Em with nitrogen cryostat;
  • X-ray fluorescence spectrometer EXPERT 3L;
  • Impedance spectrometer Autolab PGSTAT 12/FRA-2;
  • Thermal analyzer Netzsch Jupiter STA-449-F3;
  • Nirogen porosimeter Quantachrome Autosorb Nova 2200e;
  • Spectrophotometers Shimadzu  UV-1900i, ULAB 108-UV;
  • Battery tester  NEWARE BTS4000-5V6A (8 chanels);
  • Galvanostat-potentiostat Tionit 2.1 (8+8 chanels);
  • Roller press TMAXCN;
  • High -preassure synthesis reactors; tube and muffle ovens; ultrasonicators;
  • Full spectra of auxiliary equipment


We are ready to collaborate in these areas and are open to considering all proposals that come from your side. Our team has the potential to serve as a reliable partner in the submission and implementation of grant projects related to obtaining or using various types of nanomaterials.

Contact phone: +380973803959

Contact email: