Working in the field of applied materials science, we understand that the use of modern equipment is essential for obtaining results that are relevant both scientifically and industrially. Updating experimental facilities and ensuring the functionality of existing equipment is a top priority for us. The PNU-NanoLab equipment is a product of international projects, and we continue to work in this direction.
In the autumn of 2024, the process of certifying the laboratory began, aiming for a state certificate confirming that the results obtained at PNU-NanoLab comply with international measurement quality standards (ДСТУ-ISO).
Mössbauer spectrometer MS1104Em with a cryostat + Univem software

Obtaining information about electron-nuclear interactions in iron-containing materials in the temperature range 77-300K
The analyzer of elemental composition of alloys EXPERT 3L

Determination of the elemental composition of materials by X-ray fluorescence analysis
Spectrophotometer programmable ULAB 108UV+ Meta Specsoftware

Determination of the concentration of compounds in solutions
X-ray diffractometer Shimadzu XRD-7000

Obtaining information about the crystal structure, phase composition and microstructural characteristics of solids
Impedance spectrometer Autolab PGSTAT 12/FRA-2+ Zview2 software

Determination of electrical conductive characteristics of materials in the frequency range 0.01 Hz-100 kHz
Thermal analyzer Netzsch Jupiter STA-449-F3 + Proteus software

Obtaining information about phase transitions and thermal effects in solids
QuantachromeAutosorb Nova 2200e porosimeter + Quantachrome software

Obtaining information on the specific surface area and pore size distribution by low-temperature nitrogen adsorption
Complex for electrochemical research

Obtaining information on the electrochemical characteristics of materials by methods of cyclic voltammetry, potentiometry, polarography, amperometry, chronopotentiometry
Complex of equipment for thermal and ultrasonic treatment

Modification of materials by thermal and ultrasonic methods
High pressure reactors

Hydrothermal synthesis of nanomaterials
Roller press

Preparation of electrode samples of controlled thickness for hybrid supercapacitors
Spectrophotometer programmable UV-1900і + Software

Study of the kinetic characteristics of processes and chemical reactions